Inspire Others, Inspire Yourself!

Welcome to the official blog for the Alexandria Mentoring Partnership in Alexandria, Virginia,

AMP was founded in 2006 and today represents over 10 programs, supporting over 300 mentors and 400 youth. As anyone who has worked with children knows, each day brings something new.

Here, we celebrate the amazing work and progress of all of our programs, volunteers, and youth. Learn about upcoming events, read inspiring stories, and share how being a mentor has changed your life too.

Friday, June 30, 2017

July Newsletter

Our July Newsletter is now available.  Highlights include:

News : August Mentor Trainings
June Highlights: Community Lodgings Bike Rodeo
Upcoming Events : Free Outdoor Movies

Check out the whole newsletter.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Become a SOHO Mentor!

Interested in making a difference and having fun at the same time?  Become a mentor with Space Of Her Own!  Learn more by attending an informational session this summer.  We will be holding three session, in each of the SOHO areas: Alexandria Old Town, Alexandria West End, and Arlington.  RSVP Here.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

June Newsletter

Our June Newsletter is now available.  Highlights include:

News : MentorPrize Partnership
May Highlights: RARE End of Year Celebration
Upcoming Events : Clean the Bay Day

Check out the whole newsletter here.