Inspire Others, Inspire Yourself!

Welcome to the official blog for the Alexandria Mentoring Partnership in Alexandria, Virginia,

AMP was founded in 2006 and today represents over 10 programs, supporting over 300 mentors and 400 youth. As anyone who has worked with children knows, each day brings something new.

Here, we celebrate the amazing work and progress of all of our programs, volunteers, and youth. Learn about upcoming events, read inspiring stories, and share how being a mentor has changed your life too.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Casa Chirilagua Open House

"Mi Casa es Tu Casa" and "Home Sweet Home" was written all over, from t-shirts to posters to individual invitations.  "Welcome to your new home!" was shouted by Casa Chirilagua Executive Director, Dawnielle Miller.  The event title of Grand Opening was interchangeable with "Open House," emphasis on house.  But nothing displayed how "homey" the new community space on Mt. Vernon Ave was like the hundreds of Chirilagua neighborhood families who came out to celebrate Casa Chirilagua's new base.  

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Casa Chirilagua moved into their new center/program spaces/office at the beginning of March, and has been holding their weekly Kids Club and Bible Study meetings there since.  On Saturday, April 1st, a grand event was held to celebrate the new space.  Previously, Casa Chiri's offices and programs had taken place at different partner churches in the Northern Alexandria area.  Now, Casa Chirilagua has one home, in the very center of the neighborhood that they serve. 

The event began with speeches by Board Member Jim Vandehei, Mayor of Alexandria Allison Silberberg and Executive Director Dawnielle Miller.  The Mayor then assisted Casa Chiri students in the ribbon cutting ceremony.  The entire day was hosted by two Casa Chiri parents: a parent committee member and volunteer/mentor, who presented and translated everything for both the Spanish and English audience members.  

Video: Guatemalan Dance;
Top Picture: Honduran Dance:
Bottom Picture: Salvadoran Dance
The beat picked up when Casa Chirilagua kids presented dances from the three main countries represented by Chirilagua families: El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.

Next attendees were given a tour of the new space, which has a central area and multiple rooms for programs.  Afterward everyone settled down for a community picnic, with Central American food such as atole (a milk and corn drink), nacatamales (banana leaf wrapped tamales), and baleadas (filled wheat tortillas) was served.  Families sat at tables while children bounded with energy, playing soccer, table games, and creating crafts.  With the afternoon at 65 degrees and the sun shining down, it felt like the first sign of summer community fun.

While Casa Chirilagua has been centered in the Chirilauga community for 10 years now, it has finally found its home among its neighbors and supporters.  We wish Casa Chirilagua a happy housewarming, and look forward to more community events to come! 

Follow Casa Chirilauga at to keep updated on programs and events. 

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